The TEMPpoint temperature measurement instrument now comes in an 8-channel entry-level instrument that can be easily extended to 16, 24, 32, 40, or 48 channels, allowing users to upgrade their systems as needed. The instruments are standalone boxes offering 24-bit resolution inputs, each with its own analog-to-digital converter and CJC circuit to increase accuracy to ±0.01%. Thermocouple or RTD versions are available, as well as a USB or Ethernet (LXI) port for connecting to a PC. The units feature 1000-V channel-to-channel galvanic isolation, anytime auto-calibration, and automatic linearization of B, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T standard thermocouples. They permit simultaneous throughput across all channels at rates to 10 Hz/channel, and they come in a compact, rugged 2U rank-mountable enclosure. The TEMPpoint application software comes complete with a chart recorder to view and analyze up to 48 channels and can export results to Excel. Prices range from $2995 to $8495 depending on the numbers of channels (8 to 48), sensor input type, and PC interface. DATA TRANSLATION INC., Marlboro, MA. (508) 481-3700.
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