The CEN-FAB-E 10-Gb/s Ethernet fabric card enlists a Fujitsu MB8AAQ3020, 20-port, 10-Gb Ethernet switch chip, which is designed expressly for MicroTCA Carrier Hub (MCH) modules. The switch chip supports 20-port, 10-Gigabit channels, or 400 Gb/s of non-blocking, aggregate switching bandwidth. Each port can support 4-lane XAUI/CX4 or a single XFI interface. Therefore, the CEN-FAB-E enables a MicroTCA system with full 20-Gb switching per AMC when both MCH units are working, and 10-Gb support should one fail in a redundant configuration when the eight XFI lines are connected between the two MCHs. Additionally, the card supports other switching configurations as well. The CEN-FAB-E fits as an adaptor card on tongue 3/4 of an MCH multi-tongue connector while the CEN-MCH base card fits on tongue 1. Samples are available now with pricing available upon request. COREDGE NETWORKS INC., Boston, MA. (617) 267-5205.
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