The STR710 and STR720 microcontroller series are based on the ARM7TDMI and ARM720T processor cores, respectively. The latter sports an MMU and SDRAM interface. The 48-MHz STR710 contains up to 64 kbytes of RAM and 256 kbytes of flash. It has I2C, SPI, UART, CAN, USB, HDLC, MMC, and Smart Card interfaces, along with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and 48 I/O pins. The 66-MHz STR720 lacks I2C and SPI support, but it does offer a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter and 35 I/O pins. It also has an ETM trace mode. The STR720 supplies 16 kbytes of SRAM plus an external memory interface. Both are available in −40°C to 85°C industrial temperature ranges. Prices start at $7.70.