Ada remains one of the best platforms for developing secure and reliable applications. Atego and Adacore, two Ada supporters, have delivered a number of new Ada implementations. Atego’s Aonix ObjectAda Real-Time for VxWorks 653 brings ARINC-653 support to Wind River’s operating system. This includes support via Aonix ObjectAda Real-Time and Aonix ObjectAda Raven. The package consists of a fully compliant ACATS 2.5 Ada 95 compiler plus supporting tools. Meanwhile, Adacore and Altran Praxis have announced SPARK Pro 9. The open-source development environment features improved security functionality, including the ability to verify and ensure Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) within the same application. A new information-flow verification feature supports safety and security policies, such as Bell-LaPadula, based on integrity labelling of variables, inputs, and outputs. The ZombieScope tool detects dead statements, branches, and paths in Spark code. It complements the capabilities of the Simplifier and proof status summarizer, Pogs. Pro 9 also supports the latest SPARK2005 language profile.