Innovative Integration’s mini-K7 user-customizable, turnkey embedded instrument features a user-programmable Kintex-7 325/410 FPGA and Spartan 6 FPGA, full personal-computer (PC) functionality running 32-/64-bit Windows and Linux, and a single VITA 57 FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) site compatible with numerous high-performance FMC modules. A single FMC I/O module is combined with a standard COM Express CPU module. Support is included for third-party FMC modules for private data channels, triggering, and timing features. The 4- by 7- by 10-in. headless-operation computer boots from a solid-state disk (SSD); up to two 2.5-in SSDs are available. Integrated timing and triggering support for I/O includes GPS, IEEE-1588, or an IRIG-disciplined clock. Interface options include two USB 3.0, two USB 2.0, Gigabit Ethernet, four SATA, DisplayPort, and touchscreen. Its conduction-cooled design employs fins or cold-plate technology. Applications include embedded and mobile instrumentation, distributed data acquisition, and remote autonomous I/O for wireless, industrial control, military hardware, medical imaging, telecom, and test and measurement.