Zilog’s MultiMotor Series Development Kit is an application-specific platform for creating motor-control designs that feature the company’s motor-control microcontroller (MCU) module connected to a three-phase MultiMotor development board. The Z16FMC MCU-based kit (ZMULTIMC100ZCOG) includes a 24-V dc/3200-rpm three-phase motor, though it supports several motor types such as BLDC, PMSM, and ACIM. It also supports a variety of control algorithms: sensored, sensorless, trapezoidal, sinusoidal, and vector. The 2.5- by 3.0-in. motor-control module incorporates circuitry that interfaces the Z16FMC MCU to an external development PC running the Zilog Developer Studio II IDE, and to the development board. Among other kit features are switches to control the speed, direction, and stop/run settings of the motor; and 32 Mbytes of SPI flash memory for data logging. The Z16FMC flash MCU is based on Zilog’s ZNEO 16-bit CPU core optimized for motor-control apps that emphasize control of single- and multi-phase variable-speed motors. It incorporates a 20-MHz, 16-bit single-cycle CISC core; up to 128 kbytes of in-circuit programmable flash memory, and 4 kbytes of internal RAM.
ZILOG INC. (subsidiary of IXYS CORP.)