Battery Charger IC Dynamically Manages System Load and Charging

Dec. 10, 2008
Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc. (AnalogicTech) announced the AAT3672, a highly integrated, single-cell Lithium-ion (Li-on)/polymer battery charger and system management IC

Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc. (AnalogicTech™) announced the AAT3672, a highly integrated, single-cell Lithium-ion (Li-on)/polymer battery charger and system management IC. Using an innovative three-switch architecture, the dual path device enables simultaneous battery charging and system load management. It automatically reroutes power from the battery to the system without interruption when load requirements exceed available current. As a single-chip alternative to complex discrete solutions, the AAT3672 simplifies power circuit design, reduces board space requirements and drives down system cost in a wide variety of smart phones, navigation devices, and portable media players (PMPs).

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