Promising easy, low-cost powerline integration into TVs, set-top boxes, games consoles, and computers, the Aitana 200-Mb/s chipset (DSS9101 and DSS7800) is touted as the powerline industry's most innovative and cost-efficient design. The chipset integrates an embedded processor, Ethernet bridge, IP stack, API, and value-added software capabilities. Designed with Quality of Service protocols in mind, the devices manage multiple priority levels within a network. Data, VoIP, IPTV, and video on-demand services are all assigned sufficient network resources to operate simultaneously. Other features include hardware-based encryption at levels of 128-bit AES, 256-bit AES, and 3-DES and SPI, GPIO, TDM/I2S, and UART interfaces. DESIGN OF SYSTEMS ON SILICON (DS2), Valencia, Spain. + 34 96 136 60 04.
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