The need for two external passive components to comply with the SCSI Parallel Interface specification is said to be eliminated with the UCC5680, a Low-Voltage Differential-only SCSI terminator. The device is claimed as the first LVD-only SCSI terminator to integrate the mode change delay functions and is suited for applications in high-end workstations, servers, RAID boxes and data warehouse systems. The device provides precise active termination for nine LVD SCSI bus lines and achieves Ultra3/Ultra160/m peak bus performance with power savings reported as greater than 50% when compared to multi-mode SCSI implementations. It also allows for easier bus management by providing symmetric delays that are not available from discrete solutions. In both a 24-pin TSSOP and 28-pin TSSOP, the SCSI terminator costs $2.15 each/10,000.
Company: TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. - Semiconductor Group, Literature Response Center
Product URL: Click here for more information