DC/DC Converters Deliver High Power & Density

March 1, 2000
The company's second generation dc/dc converters, the 375Vin family, all have an input range of 250 to 425 vdc (375-vdc nominal input) and power densities ranging from 80 to 120 W/cubic inch. The devices are compatible with power-factor correcting

The company's second generation dc/dc converters, the 375Vin family, all have an input range of 250 to 425 vdc (375-vdc nominal input) and power densities ranging from 80 to 120 W/cubic inch. The devices are compatible with power-factor correcting front-end modules.
Available in three package sizes, maxi, mini, and micro, each offers output voltages of 2, 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24, 28, and 48 vdc. Output powers available are from 50 to 600W. Typical applications for 600-W units include bulk power front ends, as an intermediate bus for airborne or telecommunications power distribution, or in high-power demanding medical and industrial environments. Prices start at $0.38/W each/100 and selected units are available from stock.

Company: VICOR CORP.

Product URL: Click here for more information

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