Ultra-Low-Noise DC-DCs Meet Signal-Sensitive App Needs
Feb. 11, 2014
Designed for unmanned vehicles, test-and-measurement systems, medical instruments, data-acquisition systems and other signal-sensitive applications, Beta Dyne’s LN series of dc-dc converters deliver single and dual outputs of 3.3, 5, 12, and 15 V at efficiencies up to 86%. They come in 2:1 input ranges from 9 to 72 V dc. The devices feature output power of 10 and 15 W. Low-dropout linear regulation results in ±1% load regulation, as well as output ripple and noise of under 5 mV p-p. Ambient operating temperature ranges from ‒40 to +75°; extended operation ranging from ‒55 to +85°C is available on request. Metal-case construction provides six-sided shielding to limit spurious noise effects on adjacent systems.