A range of low-voltage bipolar transistors from Zetex Semiconductors extends the power handling capability of the SOT23 package, enabling designers to shrink products by replacing much larger SOT89 and SOT223 equivalent parts.
Using its advanced lead frame design and bipolar process capability, Zetex is initially offering two NPN and two PNP devices in the series, each capable of dissipating up to 1.25 W. The ZXTN23015CFH and ZXTN25020DFH NPNs have VCE ratings of 15 V and 20 V, respectively, while the ZXTP23015CFH and ZXTP25040DFH PNPs are respectively rated for 15 are respectively rated for 15 V and 40 V operation. The series handles continuous currents up to 6 A and peaks to 15 A.
Also characterized by their very low saturation voltage (30 mV at 1 A collector current for the 15-V NPN), these SOT23 bipolars make highly efficient switches for battery powered equipment and ensure heat dissipation is kept to an absolute minimum
Their high gain enables large loads to be driven by ICs without the need for additional buffer circuitry.
The 10,0000-piece price of the ZXTN25N020DFH and ZXTP25040DFH is $0.162. The ZXTN23015CFH and ZXTP23015CFH are priced at $0.227.