Current-Voltage Analyzer Series
Keysight Technologies, Inc. has introduced a full line-up of current-voltage (I-V) analyzers for characterizing a wide range of nanomaterials and electronic devices. Referred to collectively as the Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series, the analyzers deliver best-in-class accuracy and performance, powerful analysis features, and support for cutting-edge applications.
The Series includes a low-cost family of analyzers (starting at $5,000). Its design overcomes the limitations of expensive, traditional current-voltage analyzers and therefore makes it available to a greater number of designers and engineers.
The Precision Current-Voltage Analyzer Series makes accurate and efficient current-voltage measurements that provide clear insight into the characteristics of a wide range of materials and devices. The Series comprises the economic IV, precision IV and advanced device analyzers; all of which integrate multi-channel source/measurement units (SMUs). With the SMUs, the Series delivers accurate integrated source and measurement capabilities that make it quicker and easier to obtain accurate IV characterization as compared to using more conventional power supplies, digital multimeters, voltage/current meters, curve tracers and bench-top SMUs.
The Series offers a full line-up of analyzers, from an economic model starting at one tenth the price of a typical analyzer, to an advanced model that supports 0.1 fA resolution and optional cutting-edge applications (e.g., capacitance and fast-pulsed IV measurements or ultra-high voltage/current). Because the Series covers such a wide range of coverage needs, users can now more easily select the specific analyzer that meets their needs in terms of price and performance.
Keysight's analyzer Series features powerful EasyEXPERT group+ software that's designed to accelerate the entire characterization process. EasyEXPERT group+ is the next-generation of EasyEXPERT, which served for the de-facto standard Keysight B1500A and B1505A device analyzers. The unified characterization software supports all tasks required in the characterization process-from measurement setup and execution to analysis, data management and so on-using a GUI and mouse/keyboard operation. Its powerful capabilities are available for multiple users online or offline. Having the software available on as many PCs as needed significantly accelerates the characterization process, whether for a single user or at the department level.
Keysight's Advanced Device and Precision IV analyzers are now available. Advanced Device Analyzer pricing starts at $37,800, while Precision IV Analyzer pricing starts at $20,000. The Economic IV analyzer will be available in 2016 at a starting price of $5,000.