
Saelig Offers DIP Oscilloscope Module

March 23, 2012. Saelig has announced the availability of Xminilab—a miniature combination of three electronic instruments: a mixed signal oscilloscope, an arbitrary waveform generator, and a protocol sniffer.  Measuring 3.3″ x 1.75″, it can be mounted directly on a breadboard or PCB for in situ testing and verification. A graphic 2.4″ 128×64-pixel OLED display is mounted on the board, displaying the monitored signals with automatic measurements, adjustable persistence, cursors, and grids. The two analog channels can be added, multiplied, inverted, or averaged. Based on Atmel's ATXMEGA32A4 microcontroller, with 32-kB flash, 4-kB SRAM, and 1-kB EEPROM, Xminilab can also be used as a development board for the Atmel AVR XMEGA microcontroller.

As a mixed-signal oscilloscope, Xminilab offers simultaneous 2-MS/s sampling of two analog signals (DC to 200 kHz) as well as eight digital lines. Trigger options include normal/single/auto/free; rising or falling edge or slope types; adjustable trigger level; and the ability to view signals prior to the trigger. Xminilab features an XY mode for plotting Lissajous figures or V/I curves or for checking the phase difference between two waveforms.

An FFT spectrum analyzer offers different windowing options and selectable vertical logarithmic display for signals up to 200 kHz, with FFT spectrum frequency plotted vs. magnitude for each analog channel.

A ±2V 8-bit arbitrary waveform generator with frequency sweep generates signals up to 44 kHz. The arbitrary waveform generator offers sine, triangle, and square waves, with control of amplitude, frequency, offset and duty cycle. Xminilab's sweep feature increases the frequency of the wave automatically on each screen refresh of the oscilloscope. Protocol decoding and sniffing is provided for SPI, I2C, and UART as well as for parallel decoding, which shows hexadecimal values of the 8-bit digital input lines.Four onboard tactile switches are provided for function control, and Xminilab can be powered either via external +5V or via the micro-USB connector, which also enables future enhancements.

Price: $69. www.saelig.com.

See earlier breaking news: Keithley Debuts High Voltage SourceMeter Instrument

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