Medical device manufactures keep fighting tax

The 2.3% medical device tax, designed to help fund the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, survived the recent political battles over the debt ceiling and continuing resolution. Medical-device manufacturers and their lobbyists aren't giving up on repeal of the tax, however, and they are finding bipartisan support in Congress.

Politico has the details. It quotes Stephen Ubl, president and CEO of Advanced Medical Technology Association, as saying, “The events over the past couple of weeks have been a net positive. We were at the center of potential compromise.”

A sticking point to repeal is how to make up the revenue. Politico also reports that repeal also faces opposition from conservative as well as liberal groups. On the left, unions oppose repeal—calling it a corporate tax loophole. On the right, Heritage Action opposes repeal of the tax—it insists on complete repeal of the ACA.

Perhaps there is room for compromise—Politico notes that some opponents of repeal would consider exempting small businesses from the tax.

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