Signal and Spectrum Analyzers Support IEEE 802.11p
December 2, 2013. Rohde & Schwarz has expanded the functionality of its R&S FSV and R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzers to also support the IEEE 802.11p wireless standard. The new R&S FSV-K91p and R&S FSW-K91p measurement options are especially designed for IEEE 802.11p-compliant signal analysis in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) applications and intelligent transport systems (ITS).
R&S FSV and R&S FSW signal and spectrum analyzers equipped with the new software options support developers of vehicular communications components, modules, and systems. They can perform spectrum measurements in line with IEEE 802.11p and analyze the modulation quality of the signals. Predefined spectrum masks can be used to verify that the transmitted signal is ETSI/FCC compliant. The R&S FSW high-end analyzers feature top RF performance, making it ideal for complex development tasks. The R&S FSV is a powerful analyzer for development and production.
In the future, intelligent transport systems (ITS) will help reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety. The IEEE 802.11p wireless standard is used for communications between vehicles as well as between vehicles and roadside infrastructures such as traffic lights, traffic management systems, and traffic signs. IEEE 802.11p regulates wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE). It also specifies stringent requirements in terms of spectral purity and permissible adjacent channel power. It operates in the licensed ITS band from 5.85 GHz to 5.925 GHz.