Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich has provided more details on Intel’s strategy, announced last week, to transform Intel from a PC company to one “…that powers the cloud and billions of smart, connected computing devices.”
In a blog post, he cites five core beliefs. First, he writes, “The cloud is the most important trend shaping the future of the smart, connected world—and thus Intel’s future.” Analytics, big data, high-performance computing, and machine learning are keys to unlocking cloud and data-center value, he adds.
As for the other four core beliefs, “things” become more valuable when connected to the cloud, memory and FPGAs will enable new classes of products, 5G will be the key cloud-access technology, and Moore’s Law will continue to progress.
“There is a clear virtuous cycle here—the cloud and data center, the Internet of Things, memory and FPGAs are all bound together by connectivity and enhanced by the economics of Moore’s Law,” he writes.
As for “things,” he says they include PCs, sensors, consoles, and any other client device that connects to the cloud. “The key phrase here is ‘connected to the cloud,’” he writes. “It means that everything that a ‘thing’ does can be captured as a piece of data, measured real-time, and is accessible from anywhere.”
He explains that Intel will leverage Rack Scale Architecture, 3D XPoint memory, FPGA, and silicon-photonics technologies to revolutionize the data-center infrastructure. In addition, he writes, “As the world moves to 5G, Intel will lead because of our technological strength to deliver end-to-end 5G systems, from modems to base stations to all the various forms of connectivity that exist today and will exist tomorrow.”
He concludes with comments on Moore’s Law. “In my 34 years in the semiconductor industry, I have witnessed the advertised death of Moore’s Law no less than four times,” he writes. “As we progress from 14-nm technology to 10 nm and plan for 7 nm and 5 nm and even beyond, our plans are proof that Moore’s Law is alive and well.”