Solid Sands added a collection of C++ headers to its SuperGuard Library Safety Qualification Suite, the company's requirements-based test suite for C and C++ standard libraries. Features include full traceability between requirements derived from the ISO C and C++ language definition and individual library tests.
SuperGuard processes ISO C and C++ library specifications into the requirements that must be met by an implementation of the library. These requirements are linked to test specifications for how a given test needs to verify the requirements, and the specification is linked to tests in SuperGuard.
The solution enables a detailed path to be created from the specification to the tests that's easy to comprehend and verify, creating confidence in the compliance of the C and C++ library implementations with their specifications. SuperGuard is built to achieve high structural code coverage of the target library implementation, helping to provide a second path to demonstrate the completeness of the test suite.
The suite has a software tool to report the requirements that are and aren't met by C and C++ library implementations, as verified by a run of the test suite for a specific use case or configuration. Available immediately, these C++ headers can now be accessed rapidly to extend their current version of SuperGuard. Targeting users of LLVM and GCC open-source C++ library implementations, the added SuperGuard C++ headers simplify the certification process for users of these libraries.
According to Marianne Damstra, CCO at Solid Sands, “C++ libraries need to be qualified in the same way as the C standard library and Solid Sands customers have been keen for C++ headers to be added to the SuperGuard suite since its original launch in 2021. We are proud to be the first technology provider to offer a product that supports C++ library qualification with a robust requirements-based test suite.”
To ease access the new headers and maximize use of the SuperGuard Library Safety Qualification Suite, Solid Sands offers SuperGuard C++ Core, consisting of often-demanded headers. Users can order any additional headers they may require, ensuring flexibility of choice for those who use part of the C++ library.