Test Calls From High-Speed Modems

July 1, 1999
Using the V.90 specification for 56 kbps communications, Abacus bulk call simulator simplifies testing of equipment that connects to facsimile and modem devices. Abacus has a plug-in Serial Resource Generator (SRG) containing six circuits, each

Using the V.90 specification for 56 kbps communications, Abacus bulk call simulator simplifies testing of equipment that connects to facsimile and modem devices. Abacus has a plug-in Serial Resource Generator (SRG) containing six circuits, each emulating a standard asynchronous serial circuit. Traffic is created using those circuits to control external modems, letting engineers test modems or the ability of equipment to handle Fax or high-speed modem data. Each channel of the SRG can send and receive a bit pattern simultaneously with the bit rate of each circuit adjustable from 4800 bps to 115.2 kbps. Circuits can use software selectable DTMF or pulse dialing and call length is programmable. As a test progresses, Abacus provides numerical and graphical statistics such as number of calls attempted and completed, errors encountered, the speed of modem connections, and the bit error rate of calls.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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