Test & Measurement: Test Cards Expand Functionality Of Multichannel I-V Test System
Jan. 19, 2004
The model 4510 and 4511 quad I-V cards provide four source-measure channels in each of nine slots on the company's model 4500-MTS PCI mainframe I-V test system, allowing up to 36 I-V measurement channels at a lower cost than a comparable rack-and-stack system. Each card's input channel offers a high-power current-source subchannel with an extra 10-µA range, a low-power ±10-V dc full-scale voltage-source subchannel, and a 5-1/2-digital analog-to-digital converter. The 4510 features three full-scale outputs of ±30 mA, ±100 mA, and ±500 mA, and the 4511 has output ranges of ±100 mA, ±300 mA, and ±1.0 A. Now available, each card costs $7995, and the 4500-MTS starts at $8995.
Keithley Instruments Inc.www.keithley.com; (888) 534-8453Comments