The Model 5372, a 14-dB, impedance-matched pickoff tee, promises exceptional impedance matching on the through-line of the pickoff tee to minimize unwanted signal reflections. According to the company, designers must choose between a pick-off tee that ensures low insertion loss with a sub-optimum impedance match and a power divider that provides a good impedance match but higher insertion loss. The Model 5372 provides the best of both solutions with an impedance match rivaling a power divider and an insertion loss that is only moderately higher than a pickoff tee. Typical impedance match and insertion loss figures are -25 dB and -2 dB, respectively, at frequencies to 14 GHz. Ideal applications include serial-data testing where the clock is embedded in the data signal. Single-unit price for the Model 5372 is $450. PICOSECOND PULSE LABS INC., Boulder, CO. (303) 443-1249.
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