Providing a 10-MHz to 50-GHz frequency range, the 8651B is a single-channel unit and the otherwise-similar 8652B is a dual-channel power meter. The 8650B features LAN, USB, GPIB and serial interfaces. It covers a 10-MHz to 50-GHz frequency range and power ranges from -70 dBm to +47 dBm. Viable for testing in wireless communications and defense systems, the 8650B features LAN, USB, GPIB, and serial interfaces. The new 81305A specifies a dynamic range of -50 dBm to +20 dBm and a power linearity of 0.05 dB/dB from -50 dBm to 0 dBm and 0.10 dB/dB from 0 dBm to +15 dBm. GIGA-TRONICS INC., San Ramon, CA. (925) 328-4650.