Silicon Resonators Address Advanced Timing

Oct. 18, 2021
Silicon-based timing solutions can offer performance advantages over quartz oscillators. We spoke to Piyush Sevilla, EVP of Marketing at SiTime, about their efforts in the timing space.

Establishing the proper time has been a technical challenge for most of human history, yet our advanced societal infrastructure has essentially turned time into a commodity. The need for precise timing has never been more acute, as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and machine learning, and advanced wireless infrastructures demand precise synchronization for optimum performance. 

SiTime has been active in the area of silicon-based resonators for timing, and their latest products are addressing the needs of the 5G networks and services that are in the process of transforming our lives. Powerful trends are impacting all communications, such as self-driving cars, industrial automation, wearable devices, and mil/aero applications. We spoke to Piyush Sevilla, EVP of Marketing at SiTime, about their efforts in the timing space. 

About the Author

Alix Paultre's Archive | Editor-at-Large

Also check out Alix's main author page for his latest articles. 

An Army veteran, Alix Paultre was a signals intelligence soldier on the East/West German border in the early ‘80s, and eventually wound up helping launch and run a publication on consumer electronics for the US military stationed in Europe. Alix first began in this industry in 1998 at Electronic Products magazine, and since then has worked for a variety of publications in the embedded electronic engineering space. Alix currently lives in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Also check out hjis YouTube watch-collecting channel, Talking Timepieces

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