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What’s the Difference Between Silicon Carbide and Silicon? (Download)

March 23, 2022

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For more than 65 years, silicon has undoubtedly been the poster child of the semiconductor industry’s revolution. From making pocket electronic calculators a reality to powering the digital age that we know today, the rate of progress has fueled remarkable technological innovation across industries. But with the plateauing of Moore’s Law, rising focus on clean energy technologies, and a global chip shortage, the industry’s demands for smarter and more energy-efficient solutions are at an all-time high.

A rising star has started to make a material difference in the world of power electronics. SiC, a close cousin of silicon, has gained a stronghold for its distinguishing performance and impressive energy efficiency. Discovered first in 1891 by the American inventor Edward G. Acheson—in an attempt to produce artificial diamonds—the crystalline compound of silicon (Si) and carbon (C) has gone through a noteworthy evolution.


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