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2022 Salary & Career Report: Continuing Education (Download)

Nov. 14, 2022

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When asked about the biggest challenges in staying current with relevant engineering information, one respondent to our 2022 Salary & Career Report survey replied, “It’s having adequate time to get future-proof design knowledge and the willingness of management to learn, innovate, and invest in technology.” That’s a representative example of the attitude among engineers about refreshing and/or continuing their engineering educations. There’s certainly no shortage of new technologies to stay abreast of, making continuing education a perennial requirement.

In our survey, we asked you to update us on your current level of education and how you prefer to learn about new technologies and skills. Does your employer encourage continuing education by footing the bill, and if so, in what modes? And how does the coronavirus pandemic figure into the picture? In this article, we’ll look at these topics with facts, figures, and anecdotal responses.


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