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ID 32216338 © Smontgom65 |
By, Pttn, or Thomas Nguyen, CC BY-SA 4.0,
1. The Intel 4004 used MOS silicon gate technology (SGT). and originally targeted electronic calculator applications.
662148d637a2f7001ed4648c Security Dreamstime Generated By Ai Maxkabakov 379

Top Strategies to Improve Microcontroller Security (Part 1) (Download)

April 18, 2024

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Microcontrollers (MCUs) have come a long way since their early days. With 4-bit data and all assembly language instructions verbosely described in a handful of pages in the device’s datasheet, the most advanced peripheral was an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and communication had to be bit-banged over I/O pins. 

Today’s 32-bit MCUs with gigabytes of internal program memory storage not only support a wide variety of communication interfaces, but they’re also expected to use those interfaces to provide high-end solutions such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.


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