Underwriters Laboratories


About Underwriters Laboratories

Testing and standards organization


More Info on Underwriters Laboratories

Our mission is working for a safer world. These principles drive every decision we make:

  • To promote safe, secure and sustainable living and working environments for people by the application of science, hazard-based safety engineering and data acumen
  • To support the production and use of products which are physically and environmentally safe and to apply our efforts to prevent or reduce loss of life and property
  • To advance safety science through research and investigation
  • To concentrate our efforts and resources on public safety in those areas where we can make valuable contributions
  • To work with integrity and focus on quality to enhance the trust conveyed by our certification marks and services
  • To charge fair prices that allow us to meet our obligations, sustain our growth, and invest in safety science and education
  • To invest in our people and to encourage our people to invest in themselves
  • To be a good example of corporate citizenship and social responsibility

Articles & News

Rostislav Zatonskiy | Dreamstime.com
Supply Chain Link Promo

How to Manage Supply-Chain Security

Dec. 18, 2020
Delivering products requires a secure supply chain. However, more components, both hardware and software, are ramping up the complexity, so what’s the best plan of action?
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Addressing the Commercial Roots of the Consumer IoT Security Problem

March 30, 2020
In the rush to get IoT products to market, security of these devices may not receive the proper scrutiny. UL has developed a security rating solution to help mitigate that problem...

What’s the Difference Between UL Then and Now?

June 1, 2015
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has been a leader in safety science for more than 120 years. How has it changed from its beginnings?