This TechXchange focuses on RISC-V technology.
Check the RISC-V Overview to get a general understanding of RISC-V. This TechXchange also includes RISC-V Videos and Podcasts and a Quick Poll about RISC-V.
The TechXchanges below present topics related to RISC-V from its architecture to software development and industry trends.
RISC-V Overview
First and foremost, RISC-V is a modular, open-source, instruction set definition and nothing more. RISC-V as an ecosystem is much more. The instruction set provides the encoding and semantics, but it doesn't specify how it's implemented, leading to the plethora of RISC-V cores, chips, and boards.
This TechXchange addresses different aspects of RISC-V from architecture to boards and modules. If you're just getting started, below are a couple of articles and videos to put RISC-V into context.