With an eye on low-power, high-performance embedded applications, the MPC7440 PowerPC processor is expected to be available with operating speeds of 600 and 700 MHz. With a core voltage of 1.5V, the processor's typical power dissipation is 11.4W at 600 MHz. In addition to an integrated, 256K L2 cache, it includes a seven-stage pipeline and implements the MPX system bus, which can sustain transfers up to 1,046 MB/s. The MPC7410 is also available at 450 MHz with a typical power consumption of 3.5W at 1.5V. The device also includes backside L2 cache, an AltiVec vector processing engine, and the MPX bus. The MPC7440 is expected to have a list price of approximately $159 each/10,000 for a 700-MHz device. The MPC7410 will cost approximately $99 each/10,000 for a 450-MHz device.