Capturing thousands of hours of real-world design experience, a downloadable handbook is available to guide designers in applying the Common Power Format (CPF). The guide draws from the format’s usage by many of the 26 members of the Power Forward Initiative to offer detailed examples of optimized lowpower design using CPF, one of two competing low-power design intent formats (see “Power-Intent Standards Vie For Designers’ Loyalties,” Feb. 14, 2008, p. 45, ED Online 18123, and “Power Formats: You Can Have It Your Way,” March 27, p. 44, ED Online 18420). The guide is now available for viewing and free download online at www.
Power Forward Initiative members have been using CPF in design projects for at least a year and in some cases nearly two years. Along the way, a good deal of practical knowledge has been compiled, much of which was incorporated into revisions of CPF leading up to the current v1.0. Now, that know-how has been encapsulated in the form of a user guide that provides step-by-step insight into actual use of advanced low-power design methodologies across various stages of the design flow.
Included in the download are a foreword from industry luminary Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, an introduction by Cadence CPF architect Chi-Ping Hsu, and interesting low-power design examples from PFI member companies. The guide will be continuously updated with more examples throughout 2008.