Intended for high-speed digital communications applications, the MAX108 eight-bit ADC provides a conversion rate up to 1.5 Gs/s and enables direct IF sampling in broadband, high-rate receivers employing PSK and QAM modulation. The device achieves a SINAD of 47-dB and an SFDR of 54 dB at an input frequency of 750 MHz. An integrated, fully differential input track/hold combined with precision laser-trimmed resistors produces a typical INL and DNL of less than ±0.25 LSB, a full-power bandwidth of 2.2 GHz, and less than 0.5 ps of aperture jitter. A proprietary on-chip decoding scheme ensures a low occurrence of metastable states with no error exceeding 1 LSB. Pricing is from $495 each/1000, and an evaluation kit is available for $650.