Tools Enable High-Level Hardware Design Using C/C++ Library

July 1, 1999
Centered around Cymlib, a C++ class library for hardware description, simulation, and synthesis, the C2 Design Suite includes products which support design entry, simulation, co-verification, and conversion to Verilog. They are said to raise the level

Centered around Cymlib, a C++ class library for hardware description, simulation, and synthesis, the C2 Design Suite includes products which support design entry, simulation, co-verification, and conversion to Verilog. They are said to raise the level of abstraction available to the hardware designer by creating a hardware description environment in C and C++. The Cymlib classes allow the hardware designer to express design intent in a way that can be both simulated accurately and synthesized using the RTL-based design methodology. Both the target logic and the system environment can be written in C++ using the Cymlib classes, making it well-suited to system-on-chip designs.


Product URL: Click here for more information

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