Solder Thieving Featured Image 1540x800 5ef9fe0f90bc3

Four Ways to Improve the Solderability of Your Next Design

July 1, 2020
Do you have solder problems? Get solutions in this 9-page guide from PCB assembly expert, Advanced Assembly. Learn exactly what is solder thieving and how it happens. Plus, get solutions for how to combat it.

Solder thieving is the movement of liquid-phase solder metals away from their deposited location during the reflow process. Without a proper connection between the part and the PCB, parts will have inadequate mechanical, thermal, and electrical connectivity. The problem appears during the assembly process and is often blamed on the assembler. But in reality, it can be traced back to a single design decision. Learn what causes solder thieving and how to avoid it in this whitepaper from Advanced Assembly.


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