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Poster: The Anatomy of a Digital Oscilloscope

April 30, 2021
What goes into building an oscilloscope?
In a digital oscilloscope, hundreds of parts work together to enable you to visualize your signal. This cool poster lays them all out from the circuit board to power supply, right down to all the screws and buttons. It also lays out the signal path from amplifier, analog-to-digital converter, memory acquisition and processing to finally being displayed.


Same Sky Solutions—Select a Fan for Forced Air Cooling

This presentation will provide an overview on proper fan selection, including system profiling, determining a system’s cooling requirements, and an outline of fan types and features...

How sensor fusion is driving vehicle autonomy forward

As ADAS technology extends to critical, time-sensitive applications such as emergency braking, front-collision warning and avoidance, and blind-spot detection combining data...

The Basics of Ultrasonic Sensors

This video delves into the basics of ultrasonic sensors, including how they work, understanding beam angles, a comparison of strengths and limitations, and more.

High-end corner radar reference design

View the TI TIDEP-01027 reference design block diagram, schematic, bill of materials (BOM), description, features and design files and start designing.