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Discover the advantages of combining antennas and modules

Sept. 20, 2021
“IoT Antennas: Accelerate IoT device time-to-market by combining antennas and modules” addresses the importance of antenna decisions, looks at common mistakes in antenna specification and design, and offers tips for embedded antenna design success.
As IoT continues its move into the mainstream with billions of devices entering deployment, organizations are moving from limited, pilot projects to hyperscale roll-outs which the digital future of the business depends upon. The earlier stages of IoT, in which getting the design and configuration wrong was acceptable, are over because fixing hundreds of thousands of devices out in the field is too costly for many IoT business cases to sustain.

This whitepaper addresses the importance of antenna decisions and examines:

  • Embedded antennas vs external antennas
  • Common mistakes in antenna specification and design
  • Tips for embedded antenna design success
  • How to overcome the challenges

Download the whitepaper today!


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