Ametek 5c585fed6f4ce

“Current”-ly Doubling Our Efforts

Feb. 4, 2019
AMETEK Programmable Power has developed iX2™ Current Doubling Technology to Overcome Limitations of Conventional Power Supply Design


Altech Disconnect Switches

This video shows you how Altech's Disconnect Switches works.

LTC4286 Positive Hot Swap Controller

ADI's LTC4286 is an integrated solution for hot-swap applications allowing a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane.

EFT Immunity of the RAA78815x Family of 5V RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver

This application note discusses the immunity of the RAA78815x family of RS-485/RS-422 transceivers to repetitive Electrical Fast Transients (EFT) as defined in IEC61000-4-4. It...

How to Select, Use, and Maintain Coaxial Connectors for RF Applications

Radio frequency (RF) circuits are proliferating in both wired and wireless communications, including Wi-Fi and various wireless technologies being used for the Internet of Things...