The companyÕs line of hermetically-sealed, high-reliability FRED products has been expanded to now include over a dozen new 200V ultra-fast recovery diodes. The devices are optimized for reverse recovery time performance (35 ns) and reverse recovery softnessÑthe latter can eliminate or reduce the number of snubbing components in most designs. In these diodes, low forward voltage drop reduces conduction losses and low reverse recovery current reduces power-switching losses. In addition to typical hi-rel space and military applications, the diodes can be used in moisture sensitive undersea fiber optic drivers, telecomm routers, commercial avionics, and oil exploration instruments. The diodes are available in single- and common-cathode configurations and come housed in TO-254, TO-257, TO-258 and TO-259, as well as surface-mount SMD-0.5, SMD-1 and hermetic D2 and D3 packages. Pricing begins at $40.96 each/5K. For more details, contact Joe Engle at INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER, El Segundo, CA. (310) 252-7019.
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