The MAX3798 debuts as the market’s first single-chip VCSEL driver and limiting-amplifier groomed for SFP+ Fibre Channel and Ethernet applications. Employing the company's MBIC3 integrated-circuit technology, the device provides greater than 10 Gb/s performance and a wide range of receiver- and transmitter-programmable features. Additionally, it consumes 320 mW of operating power. Programmable receive functions include data rate, LOS threshold, LOS squelch, LOS polarity, CML output level, signal path polarity, slew-rate control, de-emphasis, and mode-select change time and programmable transmit functions include modulation current, bias current, polarity, de-emphasis, eye-crossing adjustment, and eye safety control. Prices start at $6.18 each/10,000. MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, Sunnyvale, CA. (800) 998-8800.
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