Promising increased battery life over traditional 10 MHz op amps, the MCP602X family offers rail-to-rail inputs and outputs that allow the full voltage supply range to be useful from 5.5V to 2.5V. The MCP6021 (single), MCP6023 (single with chip select), MCP6022 (dual) and MCP6024 (quad) devices meet industry standard pin-outs in standard PDIP, SOIC and TSSOPs. Features include unity-gain stability with a gain bandwidth product (GBWP) of 10 MHz, a noise figure of 8.7 nV/rtHz, and a maximum quiescent current of 1.35 µA (1 µA typical). Operational temperature range is from -40¡C to 85¡C. To support active filter design, FilterLab software includes schematic diagrams of filter circuits with component values and also displays the frequency response. Prices for the MCP6021, MCP6023, MCP6022 and MCP6024, respectively, are $0.74, $0.77, $0.95 and $1.38 each/1,000. The FilterLab software can be obtained at no charge from the company's website. MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC., Chandler, AZ. (480) 792-7668.
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