Rated for an avalanche immunity of 1,000V at 60A, the FGL60N100BNTD Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is protected from field failures caused by avalanche breakdown during off-state switching. This immunity makes the device extremely rugged in induction heating applications and microwave ovens. The device is fabricated in a proprietary trench process together with non punch-through technology(NPT) to achieve its high avalanche immunity. Forward switching speed (tf) is rated 130 ns typical, while the low saturation voltage (VCE(SAT) = 2.5V at IC = 60A) limits conduction losses at high current loads. A built-in fast recovery diode simplifies circuit design and reduces component count. The IGBT is packaged in a TO-264, which is lead-free to meet the requirements of the joint IPC/JEDEC standard J-STD-020B. It is compliant with European Union requirements to take effect in 2005. Price is $4.08 each/1,000. FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR, San Jose, CA. (408) 822-2279.
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