A complementary pair of 100-V enhancement-mode MOSFETs comes in an SO-8 package, yet still achieves performance equal to that of much larger individually packaged parts. The ZXMC10A816 is aimed at H-bridge circuits in DC fan and inverter circuits, Class D amplifier output stages, and an array of other 48-V applications. Enabling designers to replace equivalent devices in SOT-223 and DPak (TO-252) packages, the N- and P-channel MOSFET combination reduces board space and component count and simplifies gate drive-circuit layouts. As an illustration of its space saving potential, the SO-8 package’s footprint of just 31 mm2 is only 30% of two SOT-223 MOSFETs. The N- and P-channel MOSFETs used in the dual-device package exhibit low gate charge and typical RDS(ON) of 230 m? and 235 m?, respectively, at VGS of 10 V, ensuring switching and on-state losses are minimized. Power dissipation for the N- and P-channel devices is 2.4 W and 2.6 W, respectively. The ZXMC10A816 complementary dual-MOSFET package costs $0.28 each in lots of 10,000. DIODES INC., Dallas, TX. (805) 446-4800.
Company: DIODES INC.
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