Targeting the never-ending deluge of portable electronics, the company’s bipolar transistor, MOSFET, and TVS devices come in SOT963 packages while claiming to achieve the same or better performance of much larger parts. Measuring 0.7 mm2, the devices are 30% smaller than SOT723s and 60% smaller than SOT563s. Initial offerings comprise six dual bipolar transistor combinations, three small-signal dual-MOSFET combos, and a quad transient-voltage suppressor array. The dual transistors are available with Vceo ratings of 40V and 45V and include dual NPN, dual PNP, and complementary NPN/PNP pairings. The dual N, dual P, and complementary MOSFETs are rated at a Bvdss of 20V and specify on-resistance ratings at 1.5V. Pricing for the SOT963 devices starts at $0.10 each/10,000. DIODES INC., Westlake Village, CA. (805) 446-4800.