Dancing over a frequency range from 8 MHz to 67 MHz, the K30 series crystal clock oscillators sport low-profile ceramic packages measuring 7 mm x 5 mm and 5 mm x 3.2 mm. They are available in operating voltages of 3.3V for the K30-3C series and 5V for the K30-HC series, with standard operating temperature ranges for both from -10°C to +70°C and -40°C to 85°C, the user's choice as per the application's requirements. The oscillators operating in temperatures from -10°C to +70°C have a stability of 25 ppm--stability specs regarding other series members was not available at press time. Typical pricing for the K30 Series oscillators is less than $1.20 each/5,000. For further information, call AVX CORP., Myrtle Beach, SC. (843) 946-0414.
Company: AVX CORP.
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