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Rugged Connectors Handle RF and Microwave Backplane Tasks

Rugged Connectors Tackle RF and Microwave Backplane Tasks

Teledyne’s VITA 67.3-compatible connectors provide backplane RF and microwave connectivity.

Automotive Trends and Electronic-Component Innovation Drive the Future

Evolving technology is driving key trends and design in the automotive industry, from autonomy and zero-emission vehicles to miniaturization.
Cabling Handles High Frequency in Small Form Factor
Test & Measurement

Cabling Handles High Frequency in Small Form Factor

Molex’s compact Cardinal line of cable assemblies work with frequencies up to 110 GHz.
Power Evaluation and Analysis Solutions Address Advanced Circuit Designs
Test & Measurement

Power-Analysis Solutions Test Advanced Components

MinDCet’s measurement systems analyze losses in inductors and capacitors under real-life operating conditions.
Zcetrt |
Resistors Ed Promo Zcetrt Dreamstime Xxl 13463070

Challenging Resistors

Dealing with resistors is not just about choosing the proper number of ohms.
Troubleshooting NAND

Troubleshooting Data Corruption on NAND Flash Memory

When you experience corruption on NAND flash media, how do you diagnose and fix them quickly so you can move forward? Learn about troubleshooting tools and techniques that can...
Low-Cost Gold-Plated Plastic Connectors

Gold-Plated Plastic Connectors Cut Costs

Corning’s Polylink plastic connectors maintain performance while lowering cost and reducing the number of insertions.
Inside Electronics

Empowering Light-Detection Apps with InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes

Thanks to the sensitivity of Phlux’s APDs, they’re able to detect signals at up 50% greater distance. Ben White, Co-founder and CEO, offers his insight into these devices.

Unlock the Advantages of xESD for Electronic Components Carrier Fabrication

xESD technology looks to boost semiconductor component manufacturing with improved resolution and static-dissipative properties while enhancing production and reducing costs.