A superior combination of frequency stability and voltage control to conventional surface acoustic wave devices is promised with the CFPV-2365 high-frequency voltage- controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO).
The device is designed for time multiplexing applications in SDH STM-4 and SONET STS-12 synchronous digital trunk lines. It is claimed as one of the first 622.08-MHz VCXOs to be implemented using bulk acoustic wave crystal technology. The device combines frequency stability of ±20 ppm from 0 to +70°C, or ±30 ppm from -25°C to +85°C, with frequency pullability of between ±80 ppm and ±120 ppm. Housed in a hermetically-sealed metal package, the VCXO costs $48 each/1000.
Company: C-MAC QUARTZ CRYSTALS - Frequency Products
Product URL: Click here for more information