For design flexibility and system portioning, the 5 mm x 5 mm LY530AL in a 16-pin LGA includes analog and digital outputs, an extended power-supply range, and support for power management. With a full-scale range up to ±300?/s, the device measures fast angular displacements in applications such as intuitive man-machine interfaces or enhanced GPS. Operating voltage ranges from 2.7V to 3.6V and a built-in self-test capability allows verification of operation without movement. The device is a single-axis sensor employing the company’s MEMS technology and promises stable sensitivity and output over temperature in consumer and industrial environments. Samples of the LY530AL in RoHS-compliant ECOPACK packaging are available now, priced from $2.50 each. Full production is set for the fourth quarter. STMICROELECTRONICS, Lexington, MA. (888) 787-3550.
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