
Disc Magnet Stepper Motor Handles Rapid Acceleration Changes

May 7, 2014
The P760 series disc magnet motor from Portescap combines “Disc Magnet” technology and an optimized number of pole pairs to deliver 0.7-Nm torque and acceleration up to 5000 rpm.

The P760 series disc magnet motor from Portescap combines “Disc Magnet” technology and an optimized number of pole pairs to deliver 0.7-Nm torque and acceleration up to 5000 rpm. Disc Magnet technology provides very low inertia, and the pole-pair optimization balances the iron losses versus the joule losses—the rotor doesn’t require an additional iron structure to achieve flux variations. The closed-loop (thanks to an encoder) stepper motor’s inertia will drop to 17E-7 Kgm2. Its dynamic performance meets an application’s needs for rapid changes in acceleration and direction of rotation. Such applications include electronic yarn guides, medical XY tables, robotics, and industrial automation.


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