Monoblock X-ray technology represents the successful integration of X-ray tube and high-voltage source technologies into a single compact, reliable, critical subsystem that can be used in a variety of imaging applications. A Monoblock can be designed to meet user requirements, including size, weight, ability to withstand heat, cold, humidity, pressure, altitude, shock and vibration. In addition to medical diagnostic X-ray systems, the subsystem can be designed specifically for industrial and analytical applications where X-rays are used for airport security or detection of fissures in metal or concrete. And the subsystem also eliminates the need for cable connectors. A Monoblock can be configured with a full spectrum of options, including manual or motorized collimation; pulsed or continuous generation of X-ray; standard or specially designed housing; housing ready to mount X-ray imaging unit; and optimum filtration for maximum image quality.
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