Plastic Packaged Power MOSFET First To Handle 200°F
The IRF1704 is said to be the first commercially available HEXFET power MOSFET with a maximum temperature rating of 200°C in a TO-220 plastic package. A rugged, low RDS(on) device manufactured using the company's stripe planar technology,the IRF1704 power FET is targeted for use in both existing and emerging automotive applications, such as electric power steering, electro-hydraulic power assisted steering, electric braking, and electric valve operation. Applications with severe stalled-overload and restricted cooling conditions, such as window lift control, new wiper motor circuits, and fuel and water pump control circuits can also benefit from the device.
At high ambient temperatures, the IRF1704 MSOFET reportedly can carry up to 20% more current than similar devices in the same outline. Pricing for the TO-220-packaged IRF1704 is $2.10 each/10,000.
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