DC Brush Servos Deliver More Punch In Smaller Package
Allegedly packing more power than similar sized dc motors, the Pittman brand Series 6000 brush-commutated dc servo motors measure 22 mm in diameter and are available in three standard lengths. They feature a skewed five-slot armature design and bonded neodymium iron boron magnets. The longest model measures 1.901” in length and delivers a continuous torque of 2 oz.-in. Other motors in this series measure 1.256” and 1.556” in length and deliver continuous torque up to 0.8 oz.-in. and 1.3 oz.-in., respectively. Depending on the model, they can generate maximum peak torques up to 10.2 oz.-in. and nominal no-load speeds up to 8,720 rpm. Other shared features include sintered bronze bearings, two-pole stators, heavy-gauge steel housings, silicon steel laminations, and copper graphite brushes. AMETEK TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, Kent, OH. (877) 748-8626.
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